It is a science-based therapy that focuses on your movements and activities, either to improve or to maintain them. The nature of treatment mainly involves hands on treatment, therapeutic exercises, and education. A qualified physiotherapist is the person who provides the diagnosis and treatment.
Please contact us for your appointment or book your appointment here.
You can see NHS physiotherapists following a referral from a GP or a specialist, you can also make a self-referral. On the other hand, you could consult a private physiotherapist. N3 Physiotherapy is a private physiotherapy clinic established and run by experienced professionals. We don’t require any referrals, so contact us or book an appointment directly.
Back pain treatment needs to focus on multiple factors; focusing on the back alone may cause recurrent episodes or no recovery from pain.
At our Back Pain Centre we provide all-round assessment, treatment and advice about other factors that may be influencing your back problem – to us it’s a holistic approach. Read on to discover how our professional process is different (but more effective) and which factors we consider.
No, you don’t need to be seen by a doctor, GP or any other health professional for a referral to our practice. You can make a self-referral if you think you need a physiotherapist to see you. At N3 Physiotherapy, you can book online or contact us to book an appointment.
While usually patients receive injections in their joints for MSK (musculoskeletal) conditions, they may also be given in their tendons or ligaments. Hydrocortisone is a steroid (or corticosteroid); the active ingredient in the injection contents. Most common injection areas are in the shoulder, elbow, hand, wrist, knee or hip.
After having steroid injections, patients can be pain-free from a few days to a few months. However, sometimes patients go through repetitive steroid injections with no or very little success. Most of the time, a wrong diagnosis is the reason for this outcome. In addition, repetitive steroid injections come with other numerous side effects. However, most of the time, a correct diagnosis and treatment can avoid unnecessary injections and any resulting health hazards.
Some arthritic conditions for example ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis may be relieved with steroid injections,
but repetitive injections may cause other health problems. Our recommendation for these conditions focuses on non-invasive treatment for pain relief. These treatments may include a hot or cold press, massage or any other non-invasive but safe pain relief.
If you are getting repetitive joint injections and not suffering with ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis, then you might be receiving an incorrect treatment. We have successfully treated many patients who had unsuccessful steroid injections based on a wrong diagnosis.
In N3’s experience, patients have often asked us the question,
“Why is your diagnosis so different to that of my doctor or GP?”
This is because a GP or doctor makes an initial referral to a physiotherapist for further investigation, and thus it is the duty of the physiotherapist to make a full diagnosis. The GP plays their part well by making an appropriate referral.
Physiotherapists also use differential diagnosis techniques, sometimes using certain physiotherapy treatments, or mechanical diagnosis. As a result, their diagnosis may differ.
Every day, we see patients visiting us with knee arthritis, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis and more, but we find many of these conditions are caused by lower back pain, (though not exclusively). We also see patients visiting us for carpal tunnel syndrome, capsulitis, bursitis, tennis elbow and golfers’ elbow, but discover them originating from the neck!
You might be curious about these cases, so please see our YouTube channel for more information.
Yes, you can. But keep in mind, a human and a computer are just not the same. A computer problem can be solved remotely by an IT expert, but human muscle, tendons, ligaments and bones cannot be treated remotely apart from some basic advises, human need physical diagnosis and hands-on treatment. However, some initial advice might be possible if a face-to-face appointment is not available. Although, remote advice is not hands on treatment and most of the time it is very basic advises but sometimes it helps and sometimes not.
At N3 Physiotherapy, we do remote treatment only for patients who live far away from us or overseas patients, please contact us for a remote appointment.
Following assessment, your physiotherapist will discuss your treatment with you. In the session, during hands-on procedures, you may well feel instant relief from your pain.
However, sometimes injuries or tender areas might become more uncomfortable or painful during treatment or soon after, which is completely normal. This pain may be due to stretching certain ligaments, tendons or muscles, or it might occur during realignments and relocations of your joints or spine.
When you have pain from an injury, or are suffering from joint, muscle, ligament or nerve problems; you might need to be seen by a physiotherapist in their clinic.
There, the physiotherapist will assess your condition by asking for details about your problem or perhaps test your muscle strength and joint movements. They will also identify any pains and their sources. Following the assessment, a physiotherapist will discuss your symptoms, the source, possible outcomes, and management based on your expectations. Physiotherapy management may consist of 1) hands on treatment 2) therapeutic exercise and 3) advice tailored to your condition.
At the time of manual or hands-on treatment, you might feel discomfort in the origin of your symptoms, so you may need to tolerate a degree of pain. This pain should disappear in a few hours. Any home or therapeutic exercises you might be prescribed will have been tailored specifically to your problem.
Are public hospitals and GPs’ long waiting lists increasing your suffering from pain and impacting on your mobility? We, N3 Physiotherapy, understand your problem; you don’t have to queue here for a long time, and we can book you an appointment on the same day. Please contact us for your appointment or book your appointment online.
Yes, we do. Physiotherapy often requires hands-on treatment and sometimes you may need to undress a related area of your body for assessment or treatment purposes. At N3 Physiotherapy, we try to keep you covered as much as possible and avoid any unnecessary undressing.
With some conditions, you won’t need to remove any clothing at all, or it might require only minor undressing. Also, we will also remind you to wear clothing that enables you to reveal an area with less effort. For example, it would be very difficult to show your knee if you are wearing tight trousers.
If you ask in advance, we can also try to book you with a male or female physiotherapist based on your preference, depending on availability. At the time of your booking, you can ask for a chaperone to be present during the session and you have the right to decline your treatment at any time.
Yes, physiotherapy is safe during pregnancy if the treatment is not aggressive or harsh. In fact, during pregnancy, a woman may need physiotherapy treatment. Pregnancy can put many strains on the body and so they may need physiotherapy for back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome or pelvic muscle weakness. However, for this kind of problems physiotherapy might be the safest form of treatment during pregnancy.
A specialist physiotherapist can figure out what is safe and appropriate treatment during pregnancy.